Monday, February 11, 2013

Everything about Sonic 06 that could be said.

So "The Great Clement" did a thorough review of Sonic The Hedgehog 2006 some time last year and it is about a good 3 1/2 hours short.  Personally, I have never played this game, but because it is Sonic, and because of it's overall reception, I find it a very difficult game to ignore.  Yesterday, I decided to read about the legacy and impact of the original 16-bit version of Sonic The Hedgehog, the "Genesis" of the series and how it stood out leaving a permanent positive checkmark on gaming history and how it paved the way for future platformers.

... and then, 15 years in the future, there's Sonic 06.  After all that I've heard of it, I'm actually interested in playing this game that allowed not only Sega, but anyone anti-Sonic to feed off the rage of what remains of the Sonic fanbase - because it's had every right to be what most fans of this franchise dreamed of: Sonic Adventure 3.

Though Clement's review is long, it's really just an episodic review of the game being played but focuses on what there is you'll encounter rather than what he says during an uncut playthrough.  It is all rather entertaining and literally drives home the significance of the design choices this game made, which in turn reflects Sega's decision making during their time of crisis as this game was being developed.  I really do appreciate it.

Even more recently, SomecallmeJohnny also covered a few things and offers another perspective about 06 that Clement didn't touch in 1/7th of the time.

And of course, who's perspective of Sonic 06 could best the powers combined of EgoRaptor and JonTron a.k.a. Game Grumps?  Of course, this isn't a video review but just the two of them casually playing, singing, raging, and touching themselves (while raging)... literally... I'm serious.  More importantly, their playthrough proves that there's yet more to be said about this game, because Sonic 06 is a dead horse that refuses to rot and cannot be buried even if Sega banned it out the series though the game's story retcons itself out.  It is immortal, morals.

Case and point.

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