Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sonic 2 HD Cancelled?

Oh well.

I really wasn't a fan of this game.  Why? Firstly, I love Sonic 2, but... Idk, out of the 4 classics, it's probably my least favorite.  It's not a bad game, but I don't really find it interesting for someone to pretty much redraw a game with such an outdated appearance.

However, I sorta sympathize with the people who were looking forward to it, especially considering it had received a decent amount of attention.  Even had acknowledged it. Other than that, a lot of fans on tssz seem to impulsively blame this LOst person, but if the person in charge of the project couldn't get the source code from him before all of this, then surely he deserves to take some responsibility, right?  This type of insurance would have at least been in favor for the customers, but instead, it was given to the very person who was centered around all the drama and thus everyone who wanted this to work out, loses.

Oh, and speaking of not failing at failures, if there was one thing I didn't like was Alvin Earthworm's official announcement (again) that he was done with SMBZ.  Well, it was fun while it lasted.  He did take great advantage of the extensive spritework from the games he used.  It's kind of sad that this is just another case of losing motivation among having real-world issues.

Fan projects?  Meh... I guess when it comes to Sonic, we're in need of completionists.

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