Sunday, April 22, 2012

Beta 8 again.

So... by now, just about everything from Episode 2's Beta 8 (which is supposedly an early Beta) has been unveiled, (aside from the credits).  You'd think they'd make room for a decent ending.

Well, there's not much else for me to say aside from liking the 1st Sky Fortress Act (with the Tornado), the final boss fight and the small fact Sonic gets to deactivate from Super Sonic by doing a team technique with Tails, which I found nice.  Ep2 just looks so damn uninvolved.  I'm actually glad that this beta was leaked, even if the PR manager for the game says it's early.  Why?  Because I don't believe Ken's words thanks to his tendency to doublespeak, lie, and be outright condescending over the forum.  But I'm glad it was leaked because it puts the game into the hands of the consumers who love Sonic who will bring Sonic Team/Dimps ideas to the eyes of the world before they impulsively purchase this game (which will happen anyway).  It really is as if they took the worse aspects of the game and add more.

If I were to ponder why, I'd start off by thinking about Sega's focus here with Sonic 4 and their company goals, which to my understanding is to primarily market towards mobile devices.  I'm sure it's not as simple as what I'm about to say (or maybe it is), but it seems as if this game is simply being made for people who plain and simple: like Sonic and if they've played past Sonic games and loved them, good.  If they barely touched them, great.  Never touched them?  Awesome!  This game... regardless of it's name, is not aimed at the core fanbase even if the PR says it is, it's not.  Sonic 4 Episode 2 seems like it's simply for the most casual of casual gamers, but is it really necessary to take such a risk with the consumers who've been loyal all this time?  I guess so.

Generations was made for people who actually like Sonic The Hedgehog and the effort went in it shows.  It's just somewhat pathetic that Sega would take the roots of their franchise and uproot it just to pawn it for it's name.  That pawn shop is probably called Dimps.


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