Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Rooftop Runners.

Eventually, someone is going to break the 2 minute mark of this stage but... forget that for a second.  This guy from Japan just broke the skilled record in Rooftop Run.  Not bad for this guy's first upload.  luciferin555 takes  no prisoners here.  I'm not sure who had the record previously, but congrats to this guy.  Hopefully he won't leave us hanging with all he's capable of doing.

As for myself, I'm not sure what I'm going to speed run next.  What's left?  Chemical Plant... Seaside Hill... Crisis City... Rooftop Run and Planet Wisp.  Crisis City is the only stage I've taken seriously.  After that would be Rooftop Run (semi-serious, my time is pretty bad in it, though the stage is considerably easier).  Although I have a few okay ideas for music as far as Crisis City is concerned, I might actually just record it using just the normal stage music or a modified version of it - as it's really not a bad track at all.  Never thought what would alternatively sound nice with Rooftop Run... but it's not really a stage I had on my mind.  (Been thinking about Seaside Hill, actually.)

There have been no shortage of Generations and Unleashed speed run videos uploaded lately, which I find great.  Hope everyone keeps it up!

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