Saturday, February 23, 2013

"Roo-gey." And who's to blame for Sonic '06's failure?

Probably the most amusing moment in all of Sonic 06's story within the intro and ending cutscenes (because those are actually the best moments in the game, period).

... (... and Shadow kicking Silver in the back of the head.)

Seems like a number of Sonic fans still think it's their fault Sonic '06 sucks.  I believe I heard this when I initially began to learn more about why the game sucks (which was a long time ago).  Was it not some Sega or ex-Sega employee who made that statement?

Honestly, this has to be anti-intellectualism at it's finest.  It has to be.  It makes no sense for a company to blame it's customers (who had nothing to do with the development of the game) for their product being rushed.  First of all:

  • What kind of a fanbase whines at a company to rush the development of their product?
  • What kind of a business gives the customers that kind of power over them?
  • What kind of a company blames their fanbase on their incompetence?

Simply unbelievable.  I can see how it would be believable if one never played '06 and just heard and saw how glitchy it is, how expressionless the characters are, how terrible the graphics are in general and how garbage the storyline is.  After carefully analyzing the game inside and out, it isn't hard to see that the design choices of the game are it's biggest flaws.  It raises a mountain of questions when they decided to prioritize programming a mountain of gameplay styles over refining smaller aspects of the gameplay to make it playable.  It's really like the game was carelessly finished after whoever took over the game had to finish what was previously started.

Whatever was going on at Sega during the time when employees were quitting left and right could be considered nothing but chaos for the Sonic franchise.  You'd think if the fans were this influential to Sega, Sonic 4 would've actually been... a pretty damn good series.

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