So, yeah...
I've been messing around with Unleashed lately. This game, I tell you... it feels so complex compared to Generations. Speed in Unleashed feels so... inconsistent sometimes compared to Generations. It's true. This game has a lot of speed caps and with that, even more ways to break the speed cap. I guess that's what makes it interesting. But getting the most out of speed in Unleashed is hard. Not that speed running Generations was easy - no. It's just that there are so many little things you have to factor in to keep Sonic's momentum. So many things that try to stop him from going fast - kind of like Crisis City Act 2, but worse.
The first speed run I did of Act 3's Skyscraper Scamper is probably one of my favorite stages because 95% of the time, it's really just Sonic moving at his uncapped speed with the Quick Slide Step + Boost. Most of it is just memorization. I think the last part is the trickiest because you must target the right enemies to get the goal ring up and then you must aim Sonic at the goal ring which for me is tricky. Why? I'm just not used to it. It seems simple but Sonic moves really slow when he turns and I usually expect him to be facing where I want him to when my thumb is pointing which direction I want him to go.
And that's what's going to be the challenge here - controlling Sonic. Memorization? Not so much, I think.
By controlling Sonic, I mean that I MUST be able to do EVERYTHING he is capable of doing to go faster (though I'm not too concerned about D-Speed, M-Speed, etc.) Quick Slide Step, yes. That's easy. Stomp-sliding... don't get it and I really want to. Gaining extra speed from speed boosters... straight line drifting... man... all of this may sound strange, but every time I look at Unleashed speed runs, I think of how awesome it would be to do most (if not all) of that stuff, so I'm gonna try.
Today, I decided that I would take this journey of controlling Sonic as slow as possible, so yesterday I was messing around with the very first daytime stage in the game. You know it. It's really short. My goal was sub 30 seconds and the current record was somehow 33ish To get the most out of the first part requires some straight-line boost drifting in between some rocks, or you can QSS it, but I found that was even more challenging. For now, I just boosted through it and after the last rock, starting QSSing and jumping over the speed boosters before the first 360 to get max speed in the loop. The next part is strange and tricky. If you simply run over the ledge, you will loose all control of Sonic until he lands, but if you side-step just before leaving the ledge (timing is important), you will be able to air boost over to the next area. If the side-step is mis-timed, it will kiiiiiiill youuuuuuu~ because you will fall into the pit. The air boost needs to be immediate so Sonic will land asap and can gain as much speed as he can on the ground so he can jump just before hitting the springs so he can reach the highest platform. I don't get how he should land afterwards but I always air boost and it seems to just throw him into a wall lol. The rest of the stage is really simple. The only thing I can really take note of is the after the side-step area, it's better to hop than hit the launcher, and after the corkscrew, you can either stomp slide or QSS for a bit more speed before the ring (just don't slide UNDER the ring.)
Because I made it to 29.66, I now have another stage to record. I will do my best to try and get Sonic through the first part asap. So far the fastest time I've seen was sobatsuyu100's run of the stage.
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