Saturday, June 23, 2012

Happy 21st Birthday, Sonic.

I've liked Sonic since Sonic 1 and I have never, not once in my life ever within the 21 years of this franchise have celebrated his birthday.  Well... today is going to be different.

Unfortunately, I don't have anything all that spectacular to express my love for Sonic... well, neither did the people from The Sonic Show but I'd give them an A for effort.

Meanwhile, I'd been wanting to record this long before I had a PVR, long before the Spring season.  Long before 2011 as I found that out shortly after purchasing and playing this game on day 1.  I was just gonna upload the raw file with no music to it, but lately YouTube has started desyncing my MP4s.  Not too long ago I was uploading a bunch of OLD Super Street Fighter 4 matches I'd wanted to put on YouTube since 2010 and nearly every one of them failed to sync correctly.  Only one of them synced and unfortunately it wasn't even a real match.  No luck today with that either.  It sucks because eventually I'd love to upload some quality MP4s that I can edit in the future, but if I can't upload them with such quality, then I suppose there's no use worrying about it now.  However, I don't get it.  I'll never understand why I always have syncing issues.  I had them a long time ago when I had my first capture device and the quality was terrible.  Now it's just hit or miss.

Anyhoo, enough doom and gloom.  I hadn't really given it much time what I'd do today as I only considered recording stuff yesterday.  I thought perhaps I'd do something with Sonic CD thinking it was released in '92 so it would be on it's 20th anniversary, but it was actually released a year after Sonic 2 in '93.  Do something with Sonic 2?  No.  Sonic 2 is an awesome game of course, but it's really my least favorite between 1, CD, 2, 3&K.  Of course I could still do something with CD anyway, but I have the least amount of off the hand knowledge of the game unlike the Genesis titles.

There was one idea I had originally, and I had started on it already, however things aren't looking very promising with editing.  I'm also worried that I don't have enough content.  I really can't forsee the scope of it yet as it's just something that's gonna require more time I unfortunately don't have today.

Well, I'll figure something out.  My mind is so convinced that I need to record, record, record, but really... what I think I need to record probably isn't mandatory at all.

I decided to start recording in 1080i instead of 720p to see how it would work out.  I really didn't like the quality of the last speed run that I did.  It was recorded in 720p, but it was compressed pretty hard.  In fact, all of my videos post Sky Sanctuary wound up that way because I have to compress the MP4 into an MP2 so it can get edited in Windows Move Maker - and then it gets saved into a WMV file (more compression I assume) and it just looks bad.  I may have to look into better hardware soon, or recheck my options saving files in Movie Maker.  But how did recording in 1080i work out?  Since it's interlaced, there seems to be a bit more motion blur in the videos which I found extremely difficult to NOT notice when I was recording Unleashed.  For reasons beyond me, my PVR won't do 1080p.  The console flickers off and on until it just won't display it.  In spite of starting from a larger resolution, the quality of the edited video (as you can see from above) isn't really much different than from what I've been uploading.  Personally, I'm not much of a fan of this interlaced look along with the motion blur.  I might feel different about it in the future, but honestly, all that blur doesn't really help games like Sonic easier on the eyes when everything's moving so fast.  To watch, it's okay, but to play with... that's another story.

Okay, that was a useless rant, but I feel better~

Thursday, June 21, 2012

False advertisement.

Yup.  Sure nobody's going to mind that Shadow is advertising Sonic Adventure ONE.

(Though, that is my favorite picture of Sonic, so I'll forgive even Sega for this.)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Obligatory SA2 post.

(And I just got word that SA1 + Director's Cut on XBL is going for 600 MS points this week.)

I'm actually looking forward to this release and I'm glad that they decided to put it in HD.  However, I do have a few concerns.

Seeing this screenshot and all, the first thing I'm wondering is what the framerate is going to be like for the 2-player mode.  When I played this game on the Dreamcast, the 2-player mode was pretty horrible.  More than the drop in frames, it was slow.  I only wonder now that it's running on significantly more powerful hardware, will this still be an issue?  Yeah, this is going to be the "Battle" version and I didn't get to see the 2-player mode in the Gamecube version, so...

If there were to change anything, all I'd ask is for Knuckles to have his radar work like it did in SA1 where it would go off for every shard instead of just one at a time.  THAT'S IT.  Knowing Sega, that's a lot to ask for even if that was centered around one of the game's largest problems: Knuckles' enormous stages.  For me, and I'm sure a lot of other people, that would make the replay value of the game go up.

Then we can hail it as the greatest 3D Sonic game ever made... ha!  I don't think so.  This game was overall a step up from SA1 and IMO, better than Sonic Heroes as far as story, variety of gameplay, voice acting... and MUSIC are concerned.  SA2 really did have one of the best Sonic OSTs in the series.

So did SA1 as well.

And for now, that is all!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

How to M-speed in Sonic Unleashed and Generations.

Roman gives a visual example on what speed Sonic needs to be walking at to perform the M-speed glitch.  Have fun with it.  Some people have found it to be easier in Unleashed, and if you must know, it works for any version of Generations - even the 3DS version!

Friday, June 15, 2012

What's up? Not much.

Literally, not much.  Sonic news has been quite stale lately.  In fact, all I can really think of mentioning is this.

I look forward to the completion of this film.  I'm not really much of a fan towards this particular Sonic model.  It looks like a furry toy plush that belongs in some late 1980s flick, granted I have yet to really get a good look at him.  Just a first impression.

So, it's supposed to take place before Sonic 1.  All one can do is hope that the story is good.  People seem hyped that Jaleel White is back sitting in the Sonic voice saddle.  Me?  Yeah, he's good, but I don't find him to be the end to all Sonic voices.  I'm mostly glad he was willing to do it because I feel like Sonic could use some support from the people who were involved in his roots. (*coughsnakacoughs*)

This summer isn't very far.  In fact, summer solstice is right around the corner.  A release date for this film would be nice some time soon.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Windmill Isle Act 2 dominance.

Both sobatsuyu100 and Millernusgaming seem to still be hard at it when it comes to speeding through Windmill Isle.

Last I saw, sobatsuyu100 did a 1:25 in Act 2, but with some new tricks - some which are more obvious than others... he's down to 1:20.  Miller thinks he can bring it down to about 1:17.

As for Miller himself, it seems he's been able to throw in that nice M-speed jump in the first section as well.  Both of these guys are really putting in a lot of effort to go faster.

Sega's presence at E3 with Sonic unfortunately didn't bring out any news towards Sonic Adventure 2, but it did promise a nice true super sonic blue Nascar Impala with none other than Danica Patrick for the new TRANSFORMED game.  People also got some hands-on time with the game as well.

I'm not too sure about this move for the sake of advertising, but you have to admit, for once recently, it's quite a bold move by Sega.  That's something we haven't seen in quite some time.  The only thing that really brings uncertainty to it is who they chose to use.  Although I'm a racing fan, I'm not much of a Nascar fan (I prefer Formula 1 and other circuit racing events that don't involve driving in an oval) one wonder was Danica the best choice?  I don't believe she was a bad choice, but when the word Nascar comes to mind, is her name at the top of the list?  Either way, we get one of the prettier faces who will be animated in the game, and I'm looking forward to it.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Modern Red Ring attack, via KAKIPI1000.

Kakipi seems to be flexing his muscles still with performing red ring attacks.  It may seem he's been somewhat quiet as of late since his full speed run of Unleashed a month ago.  However, it's really just me seeing that everyone else has been pushing speed runs out left and right and not really knowing what to expect of his future runs.  With all that he has done between Unleashed and Generations, it's just a complete wonder what he'll pull out next, but this seems to be his focus lately.

 Kakipi usually pushes videos out maybe a few times a month, so actually all is quite normal. :)


PC Generations makes me sad.  Sad, not because I don't own it... but I can't exactly run it just yet.

It's really nice that there are people willing to create an experience through the latest major Sonic release like this and let the public play around in it.  Everyone wants that sense of freedom in a Sonic game and though this isn't very fast, it could definitely be a step in the right direction.  In the present, I'm glad that we actually have a nice 3D Sonic that people can do this with.

Well, I'm too sleepy to say anything else, so... gooooodnight!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Best Sonic Unleashed speed run, ever.



I read somewhere in a YouTube comment someone (it was posted by one of the speed runners I track, no worries - except that I don't recall exactly which one) said, quote...

"It takes diligence to speed run."

That is pretty obvious, yes.  But it made me think about my efforts toward Seaside Hill.  Every other stage that I did a speed run for (except Speed Highway), I put a lot of time into before I had my PVR.  Green Hill... I ran for a long time since the Generations demo as the whole Havoc engine was still new to me.  Sky Sanctuary, I ran for at least two weeks.  City Escape... I don't remember though my first serious time which was top 50 may have taken at least two days and a few more days to top ten.  Crisis City... MONTHS, and I loved every bit of it.  Seaside Hill - 5 days from scratch with minimal hours of play.

Honestly, I don't know why I was in such a rush considering I had previous experience in other stages.  This was the quickest I've ever learned a stage, and simultaneously... it's the highest I've ever put myself on a Sonic leaderboard.  It really was a stage I could have simply been patient towards. Perhaps a part of me was convincing myself that the actual stage wasn't as hard as I thought it was... or maybe I'm getting better at the game... or both?  Maybe I created my own sense of urgency to make a recording of it by always talking about it?  Who knows.

After I had finished uploading the video to YouTube, I just watched it... over and over.  When I had to leave the computer, I was watching it over and over.... over my phone.  My brain was feeling some sort of release from the experience.  That was probably the stress of practicing it a few days ago being liberated.

I saw some missed opportunities in the run (at least the last 2D and 3D sections where I dedicated the least amount of time to) but in the end - it made the music sync with what was going on quite well from start to finish.  Didn't even have to move the track.  I just started it when the video started.  Must give thanks to my good friend for throwing that song in my direction.  Again, in the end, it's not so much about having the fastest time more than a good looking run with some nice music... and I'm glad just how well it turned out.

From the exception of Crisis City Act 2, that one mission where you hit the music notes and Action Master, every other stage that winds up recorded from this point on in Generations will be from scratch.  By that, I mean every stage up to now will be taken seriously for the first time.  So when I start Unleashed.... man... there's probably going to be a lot of downtime in between Generations and Unleashed, let alone between Unleashed itself.  I've BARELY scratched the surface with that game.

Speaking of Sonic Unleashed, lately I feel like I haven't been sharing enough speed runs from other people, and I want to throw this one in because it's a stage I never really liked (at least the non-DLC version of it).  But I think I've changed my mind now.

Man, Unleashed is so fast.  Miller states in his description that it took him over 5,000 tries and he's very proud of this.  I don't know how accurate that statement regarding the number of tries is, but hey... can't say I don't relate to him about how he feels in the end.  It's just the love for the game... and when it comes to love towards anything, in spite of how frustrating it is and how many fails you have to stack up before you succeed, you just don't know how far you can go...

... unless you are willing enough try and keep trying.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Seaside Hill Act 2... R.I.P.

Man... I'm telling you - I was so stressed making this, but the music I put in makes it all worthwhile.

So what's next?  I think I'm going to go for Chemical Plant Act 2.  Why not?  It's the only stage I haven't recorded from the Genesis Era and I've covered all of the Dreamcast Era stages.  I believe my current time is something around a 1:41ish.  There's plenty of room to improve and I still want to save my favorite stage for last.


Yeah, I was actually interested in a 20th anniversary statue, but when I heard what this particular one was made of shortly after it's release, I was like... no.

... and it wasn't even hot.  So basically...

Happy June!

And we start on a blue note as always but this time, through an E3 trailer of Sonic & All Stars Racing TRANSFORMED where we're welcomed with more heads of the Sonic cast going through what is... a Skies of Arcadia theme?  Either way, check it out if you haven't already.

I wonder if there will be a playable build at E3 next week?  Guess we'll just have to stay tuned for now.

That's all that Sega seems to have lined up as far as Sonic goes.  Yup.  In spite of all the rumors lately, there is absolutely no chance Sonic Adventure 2 will make an appearance there.  You should know by now how Sega employees, or "Sega employees," and Gamestop employees, church friends, neighbors and even your pet rat love to troll Sonic fans with false information. :P

(Shit better be 16.9 or delay of purchase.)